Friday, 27 April 2012

Some rainy days

Det var riktigt fint och härligt i början av veckan, med sol och blommor. Men sen tog det sig för och började regna, och jag insåg när jag gick till skolan igår att det var första gången sen jag flyttade hit som jag behövt använda ett paraply! Det är ändå helt okej.
I måndags var det lite födelsedagsfirande hos Henrik och Victoria som precis hade fyllt år, det bjöds på massa gott fika och sen satt vi ute på gräsmattan i solen tills det började bli lite kallt.

The weather was really pleasant in the beginning of this week, with lots of sun and flowers. But then it started to rain. But i realized, as i was walking to school yesterday, that it was the first time i had to use an umbrella since moving here! So that quite alright i think.
On monday there was a birthday get toghether at Henrik and Victoria's place, that just had their birthdays. Got treated to lots of good things and after that we sat outside on the lawn until it started to get a little chilly. 

Saw this lovely tree on the way to their apartment
Ninlil made this great brownie-cheescake with rapberries and passion fruit
Cute birthday couple!

Manged to make this big donutbun! My hair is finally long enough not to fall out :D

And then the rain came, but it was still beautiful

They have these gorgeous trees when you walk through this block called Paradiset, or "the Paradise"

Imorgon är jag ledig från skolan, så jag hoppas på riktigt fint väder så jag kan gå ut! Men jag måste komma ihåg att plugga lite också haha

Tomorrow i don't have any school, so i'm hoping for nice weather so i can go outside! But i have to remebmer to study as well haha..


  1. The donut bun looks good on you! (: Though I prefer the "more looser" versions. You live in a lovely surrounding, everywhere it's colorful!

    1. Thanks! :) Yeah, I actually prefer the more looser version as well, but my own hair is to short haha >_<
