Monday, 30 April 2012

Fashion against aids 2012

Nu i veckan släpptes ju årets kollektion för Fashion against aids på H&M. Jag hade spanat in lite grejer som jag ville ha (allt med aztec-mönster ungefär haha), men jag hade skola till kl 15, så jag var rädd att allt jag ville ha skulle hinna ta slut. Jag hade kunnat gå på vår långa lunchrast, men jag mådde riktigt uselt så jag tvingade mig själv att gå efter istället, när jag ändå var tvungen att gå hem. 25% av plaggens pris skänks alltså till utbildning om HIV/AIDS och projekt som jobbar för att förebygga problemen. En bra sak att ha varje år tycker jag.
Jag lyckades i alla fall få tag i kjolen och jackan som jag spanat in!

This week H&M released their Fashion against aids collection, and i had a few things i wanted to get my hands on (read everything with the aztec pattern haha). But i had school til 3pm, so i was afraid everything i wanted would sell out before i got there. I could have gone there on our long lunch break, but i was feeling really sick so i forced myself to go after school had ended when i had to walk home anyways. 25% of the purchase price is donated towards HIV/AIDS education and prevention projects. I think that's a great thing to have every year!
I managed to get my hands on the skirt and the jacket that i'd been eyeing!  

Jag ber om usäkt i förväg för alla bilder på mig nu, men det blev så! Haha

I apologize in before hand (can you say that??) for all the pictures of me looking awkward! Haha

I forgot to remove all the stuff in the background so i just blurred it real ugly instead!

I also thoght this cell phone...holder? was nice, and also the bikini, but they were sold out ofc

It's reversable! I actually didn't know that when i bought it ^^

Det här är ju inte från Faa då, men jag köpte det på Gina igår och gillar det skarpt!

Well, this isn't Faa, but i got it from Gina tricot yesterday and i really like it!

Imorgon är det Valborg då, och firas ska det! Jag och Ninlil ska möta upp med massa folk hos Henrik för frukost och sen vidare till stadsparken och hänga där, och sen blir det vidare till Henrik igen tror jag. Hoppas på att väderleksrapporten stämmer och det blir 18 grader och sol som utlovat! Ska bli riktigt kul!

Tomorrow we're gonna celebrate the end of march / beginning of may. Me and Ninlil are gonna meet up with a bunch of people at Henrik's place for breakfast and then off to the city park and hang out. And then we're gonna go back to Henrik's place i think. Hoping that the forecast is right and we'll have 18 degrees C and sun tomorrow! Would be so great. Barbeque yaaay!


  1. Cute clothes! :D That jacket seems smart, I have never owned a jacket like that. ^^

    1. Thanks! I don't think i have either, i was really surprised when i noticed haha XD

  2. Wow, I love the jacket, it's so coloful! How much was it? Were the things expensive or average H&M prices? Gina Tricot has such nice stuff since I went to Japan where there is no Gina Tricot.. T_T

    1. They had normal H&M prices, that's the great thing! :D The jacket was 299 kr, wich is like 30 euros, so that's not bad i think ^^ That's too bad ;_; But you have other much greater stores in Japan at least! :D

  3. HI^^
    You're very pretty.I love Gyaru fashion too.
    This is my blog.

  4. hej fina du, vilken storlek köpte du på kjolen?
    puss och kram
