Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Jag spenderade mesta delen av påsken hemma hos mina föräldrar. Patrik kom också hem över helgen, och introducerade mig för rumble bland annat haha. Jag är ganska sämst måste jag säga, men det är ju hemskt beroendeframkallande! Kikade på lite film och serier och på lördagen åkte vi in till stan och mötte upp med massa folk på Bishops. Drack ett hemskt vin och god cider ungefär. Det var riktigt trevligt iaf och sen hade vi även turen att få skjuts hem (till farfar då som vi sov hos) av Maria på natten. Tjoho!

I spent most of the Easter at my parents house. My brother Patrik also came back home for the weekend, and introduced me to 'Rumble' among other things. I kind of suck at it, but it's really adictive! Watched a couple of movies and some series, and on saturday we went into town and met up with a bunch of people at The Bishop's Arms. Had terrible wine and tasty cider. It was really fun anyways and Maria was kind enough to drive us home (to grandpa's) aswell! Wiie!

My mom and I baked Easter cakes aswell

My look for the night, terrible pic :P
I had to trow out all my circle lenses too, since i had the inflammed eyes. Don't want to risk
them being infected and catching it again. Gonna order new ones in a while though :)

Patrik outside of Bishop's
Lovely Maria and Katarina. We were trying to remember to sit with straight backs that night haha
At Bishop's. Closest to the camera is Andreas 
It was a really night sky that night too. But as usual i'm bad at catching stuff on camera ^^

Imorgon ska jag in till stan och möta upp med Anneli! Och nu måste jag springa och skölja ur min hårfärg, håller på att fixa min hemska utväxt!

Tomorrow i'm going into town again to see Anneli! And right now i have to wash out the haircolor i have in my hair. I'm finally taking care of those horrible roots!

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