Sen vidare till Elin och Tims hus, där Tim lagade middag till oss, vi drack lite vin och lyssnade på Florence. Sen bar det iväg till konserten! Två förband, varav ett The Horrors, som jag kanske inte riktigt var nog inlyssnad på. Vi köpte lite cider och hade det trevligt iaf.
Jag ska inte ta upp alltför mycket om de jobbiga personerna i publiken. Men om man är på konsert tycker jag inte att man riktigt kan bråka med nån om nån ställer sig framför en om man lämnar plats för flera personer? Fine, om man puttar sig in och verkligen klämmer sig in framför. Men när man säger "sorry" och lätt kan stå med massa plats åt alla håll? Det är en konsert! Om du inte vill att nån ska stå framför dig borde du antagligen boka sittplats på läktaren istället.
Last monday me and Linnéa took the train from Bristol to Wales and Cardiff where Elin's living. We got hold up and got there pretty late in the afternoon. So we just made a quick run in town, to the pharmacy and also Top Shop, where i got a hold on a bag i've been checking out here in Lund. Only that it was less than half the price over there!
Then off to Elin and Tim's house, where Tim made us dinner, we had some wine and listened to Florence. Then we headed out for the concert! The were two band playing before Florence, one of them The Horrors. I've listened some to them before, but not enough to really enjoy it. Bought some cider and had a nice time.
I'm not gonna write too much about the annoying people in the audience. But if you leave a lot of space in front of you when you're at a concert, i don't think you can really get upset if someone comes and stands there. Fine, if someone bumps into you and then sqeezes in before you. But if you say "sorry" and can easily fit in front of you with lots of space all around? It's a concert! If you don't want to have anyone standing in front of you, you should probably buy seated tickets for the balcony.
Anyways! XD Now here's a few kinda bad pictures that i took! ^^
Central station in Bristol |
My girls <3 Linnéa looking just a liiittle mad ;P |
Konsertmos! |
Ni trodde väl inte jag skulle låta den här slinka undan? ;) |
Kinda blurry picture of Flo |
Florence verkar verkligen njuta av sina konserter, hoppade runt och log och skrattade. Det var verkligen roligt att se. Mot slutet av konserten började nog Elins supertabletter avta dock och jag började känna mig dålig. Min nuvarande förkylning hade precis poppat upp på måndagen. Så tyvärr blev det ingen utgång efter konserten, utan Tim fick komma och hämta oss istället. Sorry! ;_;
Florence really seems to enjoy her concerts, she was jumping around, smiling and laughing. It was reallt nice to see. Towards the end of the concert i started to feel really sick again though. The cold i have now started then. So instead of heading out after the concert, Tim had to come and pick us up. Sorry! ;_;
Here is the setlist from that night anyways!
Only if for a night
What the water gave me
Strangeness & Charm
What the water gave me
Strangeness & Charm
Cosmic Love
Between two lungs
Shake It Out
Dog Days Are Over
Breaking Down
Leave my body
All This and Heaven Too
You've Got the Love
Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)
Never Let Me Go
No Light, No LightNever Let Me Go
Och morgonen efter var det dags för både mig och Linnéa att åka hem från Cardiff :( And the morning after it was time for both Linnéa and I to leave Cardiff :( |
I've never been to a real concert before,I don't like to be in a crowded place XD
ReplyDeleteIt's great that you seem to enjoy the performance ^ ^
You should try a smaller one sometime, it's really great! Unless when there's annoying people around you ;)