Thursday, 1 March 2012

Recent gets

I finally got some money, so i could buy food again haha. Good thing i had Ninlil when i didn't have any money! Not that she had a lot either but. Aand, i just couldn't help but to buy a couple of other things as well. I know i said i'm going to try to shop less, but i'm going to Bristol and Cardiff this weekend, so i'm guessing there might be some shopping involved as well ;) Anyways, here's what i got!

High waisted shorts and this cute top from Gina Tricot!
Floral dress from H&M that was really cheap!
Can't decide whether i think it's a little too big or not though..
Gonna go try on the smaller size after the exam tormorrow.
And also these two headbands from Lindex
As i mentioned above i have one of my midterm exams tomorrow, the oral one. And i've been so nervous night since i came back from school! I'm not really sure why though, i think it's not knowing exactly what i'm gonna talk about that stresses me out. Don't know if i already wrote about this before, but we had to write three speeches of topics that the teacher had chosen, and then when we get there tomorrow we get to know wich one to hold. It's only the teacher and one other student though (the student i'm gonna be with is japanese though, and i've never met her haha). And i haven't really prepared any of my speeches well, so it doesn't really feel great. But i only have to speak for about three minutes, so it shouldn't be a real problem.. We'll see tomorrow!

Today Ninlil left for her Asia tour as well. Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Japan. She'll be gone for a whole month, staying two weeks in Japan i think, i'm sooo jealous! It's going to be so empty without her in the apartment though :(

Well, now i'm going to read through my speeches and then off to bed!
Good night!


  1. omg har lindex börjat med usamimi? sjukt att det finally kommit hit xD
    älskar klänningen :OOO vad gick den på? nästan så jag måste köpa den själv. lever ju praktiskt taget i H&M's billigasfuck-klänningar nuförtiden....

    good luck with your exam D: i'm already kind of freaking out about having to hold vafan kom engelskan ifrån? hålla tal och jag är inte ens i kursen än XD <3

    1. Haha ja eller hur! xD Var ju tvungen att köpa ^^
      den kostade 99kr bara! köp köp! funderar på att köpa den i andra färgen också mohaha. H&M's billiga klänningar is the shit

      Taack! det gick hyfsat, men jag är inte helt nöjd.. borde dock få godkänt tror jag. haha det kommer säkert gå asbra för dig, du är ju bäst <3

  2. Hoppas det gick bra idag! Och ha det så kul i englandet! :) クラ-ム!

  3. Och de där slærvan till shorts var värda summan de kostade? ;D
    mvh Tant

    1. hahah, ja men det är nästan så att jag tycker att de var det ;P

  4. The floral head band looks very cute >w<

    Actually...I don't like oral exam,too,I'm not good at talking in front of many ppl :(
    But anyway good luck on your exam.

    1. Thanks! It went alright, even though i'm not quite satisfied, but i never am! haha XD i really don't like talking in front of many people either! :(

  5. Hallåhallå bor du i Lund nu? Vi måste ju ses nåt när jag kommer tillbaka till Sverige<3

    1. Yeees! :D Och, ja det måste vi absolut! <3 Kommer du vara hemma ett tag tror du? Min kurs tar slut i slutet av maj, så jag lär komma upp till Öset över sommaren tror jag :3
