Jag tänkte att jag skulle fylla i skolan jag gick på i Japan på min facebook-sida, och vad finns där? Två bilder på mig på den lilla sidan? haha.. lite skumt. Linnéa berättade för mig förut att vi hade varit med på en banner för billigare kursavgift om man bokade tidigt på deras hemsida förut. Ena bilden är samma som på den. Det roliga är ju dock att den är från mitt födelsedagsfirande på Sweets Paradise? De måste ju ha hittat den på facebook och tagit den :P Inget illa menat nu, det är bara liite skumt att inte fråga om lov innan de tar av våra privata bilder och använder haha.. Aja ^^
I was updating my education status today at my facebook page, and added the school i went to in Japan. And what do they have on their page? Two pictures of me haha.. A little weird. Linnéa told me a while ago that they had a banner on their webpage that you could get some percent off of the registration fee if you registered fast, which had a picture of us on it. One of the pics on facebook is the same. The only thing is that it's from my birthday celebration at Sweets Paradise? So they must have found it on facebook and taken it from there :P I don't mean anything bad with this, i just think it's a liittle weird to take one of our personal pictures and use it without asking first haha.. Oh well ^^
Here's the pics! xD
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
A very smooth exit
Idag hade vi kanji- och ordtest eller vad man ska kalla det, som vi har varje onsdag. Jag hade inte pluggat nåt inför den här veckan så därför blev jag klar näst först av alla i våra grupper. Jag såg att Angelika hade lite problem att ta sig ut genom dörren, så jag tänkte jag skulle smyga ut och prova öppna den lite smidigt. Ser inte att man måste trycka på nyckelknappen innan, och vad händer? Larmet börjar tjuta jättehögt. Såklart. De blev nog pigga på testet iaf! Det var bara att vinka lite fint, "Japp, jag går nu!". Jag blir ibland förvånad över min smidighet haha
Today we had a kanji and vocabulary test as we have every wednesday. I didn't study for the this weeks though so i finished almost first in our groups. I saw that Angelika had some trouble opening the door when she left, so i thought i was just gonna go and try to open it smoothly and sneak out. Only that i didn't see that you have to push a button with a key on it to open the door. So what happens? The alarm goes off, reeeally loud. Of course. I guess i really woke up the others in the class though! I just had to wave a little nicely "Well, yeah so i'm leaving!". I'm sometimes amazed about my own awkwardness haha
Today we had a kanji and vocabulary test as we have every wednesday. I didn't study for the this weeks though so i finished almost first in our groups. I saw that Angelika had some trouble opening the door when she left, so i thought i was just gonna go and try to open it smoothly and sneak out. Only that i didn't see that you have to push a button with a key on it to open the door. So what happens? The alarm goes off, reeeally loud. Of course. I guess i really woke up the others in the class though! I just had to wave a little nicely "Well, yeah so i'm leaving!". I'm sometimes amazed about my own awkwardness haha
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
That amazing place
Remember i told you that Linnéa took me to a really cool place with amazing street art in Bristol? I looked at all the photos we took there and chose my favorites. Hope you like them too!
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Awesome police station |
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This was my favorite! Too bad there was a big pile of garbage next to it so i couldn't get a good photo haha XD |
Monday, 12 March 2012
Some things from Bristol
Mina ögon som jag trodde var överansträngda efter tentan? Nje, åkte på mysiga ögoninflammationer. Skrämde tjejen i kassan på Gina Tricot som det verkade, så efter det försökte jag kolla ner överallt jag gick. När jag handlade mat etc. Resultatet av det blev att folk verkade tycka att jag var otrevlig, och inte blev så trevliga tillbaka. Oh well, kanske hellre det mot att de såg vad de hade framför sig.
Det känns bättre, men jag ser fortfarande ganska läskig ut. Försökte googla fram en bild på en zombie med röda ögon för att säga "ungefär såhär ser jag ut", ingen bra idé.
Så istället tänker jag lägga upp lite bilder på allt fint jag hittade i Bristol! Höll igen och försökte att inte köpa massa jätteonödiga saker...hrm
Det känns bättre, men jag ser fortfarande ganska läskig ut. Försökte googla fram en bild på en zombie med röda ögon för att säga "ungefär såhär ser jag ut", ingen bra idé.
Så istället tänker jag lägga upp lite bilder på allt fint jag hittade i Bristol! Höll igen och försökte att inte köpa massa jätteonödiga saker...hrm
So my eyes that i thought were just tired from the exams and such? Nope, got me some really nice inflamed eyes. Think i scared a girl in the register at Gina Tricot when i looked at her. So i tried to not look up at people anymore, when i went to buy food and so on. People seemed to think i was being rude though, and didn't exactly become nicer themselves. Oh well, maybe that's better than that they got to see what was standing in front of them.
It feels better though, but i still look really creepy. Tried to google a pic of red zombie eyes so i could say "this is what i look like", not a good idea.
So instead of that, i'm just going to post some pics of all the nice stuff i found in Bristol! I tried to not buy anything too unnecessary, but lets face it, i already have more that i need so..
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Here's the bag i got from Top Shop! It was 25 pounds there, and about 59 pounds in Sweden, crazy! |
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There is no good way of taking a picture of a sweather! Loved this ones patterns though, will be nice in the summer! |
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From Primark, 1pound/ piece. Also bought some tights and stuff there, it's soo cheap! |
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And also these wedges from New Look. They don't look like much in the picture, but they look really nice on :) |
Köpte också lite presenter och så, men det kanske inte vore nån bra idé att lägga upp. Sen handlade jag på mig på Body Shop. Har en hudkräm som jag fick av Linnéa i julklapp som jag verkligen gillar, den kostar 230 kr här. Där handlade jag två duschkrämer, en sån e-vitamin ansiktskräm + ögonkräm (kräm, vad säger man?) och en ögonskugga för 23 pund. Alltså liite mer än vad bara ansiktskrämen kostar här! Då fick jag dock låna Linnéas medlemskort och få rabatterat, men det är ändå sjuk skillnad mot i Sverige!
Also bought some presents, but i don't think it would be a good idea to post that right. Then i also went to Body Shop for some stuff. I have a moisture cream with vitamine E that i got from Linnéa for christmas that i really like. It's like 23 euros here in Sweden. But in Bristol i bought that cream + one eye cream, an eyeshadow and two shower gels for maybe 24 euros? Crazy. Fine, i had Linnéa's members card so i got it a little cheaper, but it's still a crazy big difference!
Okay, i'm going to stop rambling now! Going to sleep in an hour or so, and hopefully my eyes will look a little less frightening tomorrow! ^^
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Cardiff & Florence + the Machine
På måndagen tog jag och Linnéa tåget till Wales och Cardiff där Elin bor. Vi blev lite försenade, så vi kom inte fram förrän ganska sent på eftermiddagen. Det blev en snabbvisit i stan, apoteket och så på Top Shop där jag lyckades få åt mig en väska som jag sett här i Lund för lite mer än dubbla priset mot där!
Sen vidare till Elin och Tims hus, där Tim lagade middag till oss, vi drack lite vin och lyssnade på Florence. Sen bar det iväg till konserten! Två förband, varav ett The Horrors, som jag kanske inte riktigt var nog inlyssnad på. Vi köpte lite cider och hade det trevligt iaf.
Jag ska inte ta upp alltför mycket om de jobbiga personerna i publiken. Men om man är på konsert tycker jag inte att man riktigt kan bråka med nån om nån ställer sig framför en om man lämnar plats för flera personer? Fine, om man puttar sig in och verkligen klämmer sig in framför. Men när man säger "sorry" och lätt kan stå med massa plats åt alla håll? Det är en konsert! Om du inte vill att nån ska stå framför dig borde du antagligen boka sittplats på läktaren istället.
Last monday me and Linnéa took the train from Bristol to Wales and Cardiff where Elin's living. We got hold up and got there pretty late in the afternoon. So we just made a quick run in town, to the pharmacy and also Top Shop, where i got a hold on a bag i've been checking out here in Lund. Only that it was less than half the price over there!
Then off to Elin and Tim's house, where Tim made us dinner, we had some wine and listened to Florence. Then we headed out for the concert! The were two band playing before Florence, one of them The Horrors. I've listened some to them before, but not enough to really enjoy it. Bought some cider and had a nice time.
I'm not gonna write too much about the annoying people in the audience. But if you leave a lot of space in front of you when you're at a concert, i don't think you can really get upset if someone comes and stands there. Fine, if someone bumps into you and then sqeezes in before you. But if you say "sorry" and can easily fit in front of you with lots of space all around? It's a concert! If you don't want to have anyone standing in front of you, you should probably buy seated tickets for the balcony.
Florence really seems to enjoy her concerts, she was jumping around, smiling and laughing. It was reallt nice to see. Towards the end of the concert i started to feel really sick again though. The cold i have now started then. So instead of heading out after the concert, Tim had to come and pick us up. Sorry! ;_;
Here is the setlist from that night anyways!
Sen vidare till Elin och Tims hus, där Tim lagade middag till oss, vi drack lite vin och lyssnade på Florence. Sen bar det iväg till konserten! Två förband, varav ett The Horrors, som jag kanske inte riktigt var nog inlyssnad på. Vi köpte lite cider och hade det trevligt iaf.
Jag ska inte ta upp alltför mycket om de jobbiga personerna i publiken. Men om man är på konsert tycker jag inte att man riktigt kan bråka med nån om nån ställer sig framför en om man lämnar plats för flera personer? Fine, om man puttar sig in och verkligen klämmer sig in framför. Men när man säger "sorry" och lätt kan stå med massa plats åt alla håll? Det är en konsert! Om du inte vill att nån ska stå framför dig borde du antagligen boka sittplats på läktaren istället.
Last monday me and Linnéa took the train from Bristol to Wales and Cardiff where Elin's living. We got hold up and got there pretty late in the afternoon. So we just made a quick run in town, to the pharmacy and also Top Shop, where i got a hold on a bag i've been checking out here in Lund. Only that it was less than half the price over there!
Then off to Elin and Tim's house, where Tim made us dinner, we had some wine and listened to Florence. Then we headed out for the concert! The were two band playing before Florence, one of them The Horrors. I've listened some to them before, but not enough to really enjoy it. Bought some cider and had a nice time.
I'm not gonna write too much about the annoying people in the audience. But if you leave a lot of space in front of you when you're at a concert, i don't think you can really get upset if someone comes and stands there. Fine, if someone bumps into you and then sqeezes in before you. But if you say "sorry" and can easily fit in front of you with lots of space all around? It's a concert! If you don't want to have anyone standing in front of you, you should probably buy seated tickets for the balcony.
Anyways! XD Now here's a few kinda bad pictures that i took! ^^
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Central station in Bristol |
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My girls <3 Linnéa looking just a liiittle mad ;P |
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Konsertmos! |
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Ni trodde väl inte jag skulle låta den här slinka undan? ;) |
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Kinda blurry picture of Flo |
Florence verkar verkligen njuta av sina konserter, hoppade runt och log och skrattade. Det var verkligen roligt att se. Mot slutet av konserten började nog Elins supertabletter avta dock och jag började känna mig dålig. Min nuvarande förkylning hade precis poppat upp på måndagen. Så tyvärr blev det ingen utgång efter konserten, utan Tim fick komma och hämta oss istället. Sorry! ;_;
Florence really seems to enjoy her concerts, she was jumping around, smiling and laughing. It was reallt nice to see. Towards the end of the concert i started to feel really sick again though. The cold i have now started then. So instead of heading out after the concert, Tim had to come and pick us up. Sorry! ;_;
Here is the setlist from that night anyways!
Only if for a night
What the water gave me
Strangeness & Charm
What the water gave me
Strangeness & Charm
Cosmic Love
Between two lungs
Shake It Out
Dog Days Are Over
Breaking Down
Leave my body
All This and Heaven Too
You've Got the Love
Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)
Never Let Me Go
No Light, No LightNever Let Me Go
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Och morgonen efter var det dags för både mig och Linnéa att åka hem från Cardiff :( And the morning after it was time for both Linnéa and I to leave Cardiff :( |
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Bered er på ett lite längre inlägg nu kanske ^^
I fredags tog jag ju mitt pick och pack och åkte över till Storbritannien för att hälsa på först Linnéa i Bristol och sen Elin i Cardiff. Har haft otroligt kul! Och det var hemskt skönt att komma bort från Sverige ett tag. Trots att jag hade tentan hängandes över mig..
Jag kom i alla fall fram till Bristol efter massa byten. Var lite smått orolig då det inte verkade stämma med tiderna i London, men det var lugnt. Jag och Linnéa tog en tur runt hennes universitet och sen bestämde vi oss för att spana in lite shopping! Efter vi hade spanat in shoppingcentret bestämde vi oss för att gå på Yo! Sushi och äta lite. Jag gillar ju inte sushi, men jag gillar annan japansk mat! Nu kommer det massa matbilder här haha
I fredags tog jag ju mitt pick och pack och åkte över till Storbritannien för att hälsa på först Linnéa i Bristol och sen Elin i Cardiff. Har haft otroligt kul! Och det var hemskt skönt att komma bort från Sverige ett tag. Trots att jag hade tentan hängandes över mig..
Jag kom i alla fall fram till Bristol efter massa byten. Var lite smått orolig då det inte verkade stämma med tiderna i London, men det var lugnt. Jag och Linnéa tog en tur runt hennes universitet och sen bestämde vi oss för att spana in lite shopping! Efter vi hade spanat in shoppingcentret bestämde vi oss för att gå på Yo! Sushi och äta lite. Jag gillar ju inte sushi, men jag gillar annan japansk mat! Nu kommer det massa matbilder här haha
Be prepared for a quite long post here!
On friday i packed and went to Great Britain to visit first Linnéa in Bristol and then Elin in Cardiff. I had so much fun! It was great to get out of Sweden for a while aswell, even though i had my midterms coming up.
Anyways, i reached Bristol after having to change a lot of trains on the way, but it had gone fine. Linnéa showed me around her university at first, and then we decided to check out a mall for some shopping! After that we were so hungry, so we went to eat at Yo! Sushi. I don't like sushi, but i love other japanese food so i was excited ^^ And now, food pics!
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First i had curry! |
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Then gyoza! Oh, how i love gyoza! Okay, i'm getting hungry now |
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Then me and Linnéa split these chocolate mochi, it was sooo good, i wanted to eat them all to myself! haha XD |
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Linnéa's sushi looked really nice, i wish i liked it too |
We decided to go to a pub in the evening, with some of Linnéa's friends from school. Unfortunately the pub boat we wanted to go to was closed, and of course i managed to forget my passport in the apartment, but we managed to sneak into a couple of pubs anyway.
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This is the only picture from the night though haha |
På lördagen kom Elin och Tim och hälsade på. Vi gick en bra bit och mötte upp med Linnéas kompis Sophie. Vi var iväg på afternoon tea, när man får te, mackor, scones och kakbitar. Det var nice, men kakorna var lite tråkiga tyvärr. Kul att vara på i alla fall!
On the saturday Elin and Tim came to visit. We met up with Linnéa's friend Sophie and had afternoon tea (i hear myself saying that with an extreme british accent ofc). You get tea, scones, sandwiches and cakes. It was nice, but the cakes were a bit dissapointing. But it was fun to go get it!
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Ohhh :O I have no picture of Elin from this day :( |
After Tim and Elin has gone back to Cardiff, me and Linnéa started getting ready to go out clubbing. Had such a great night with lots of drinks and dancing! But when we went home my feet were hurting soo bad! Haha.. haven't used my JC Lita's enough for a whole night out i think ^^
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I wasn't smart enough to understand that you can't get flash on your iphone unless you turn it around hrm |
Söndag! Och vi var inte alls särskilt bakis faktiskt! Vi gick och kikade runt inne i stan, och Linnéa visade mig ett ställe där det fanns massor av cool graffiti. Vi tog massor av bilder där, men jag får nog lägga upp dem i ett inlägg för sig tror jag haha.. På kvällen gick vi iaf på starbucks! Älskar deras white mocha, så det var ju en självklarhet att gå dit! Tanken var att vi skulle plugga meeen.. meh.
Sunday! We actually wasn't that hung over! We checked out the town, and Linnéa showed me this place where they had lots of cool graffiti. We took a bunch of pictures, but i think i'll make another blog post about that haha.. In the evening vi went to starbucks! I love their white mocha, so we had to go there! The though was tp study buuut...meh.
Senare på kvällen gick vi på en pub igen (det var ju England trots allt). Vi gick ut med två japanska tjejer som Linnéa träffat innan. Det var jätteroligt och jag hoppas att de inte tyckte att jag var alltför dryg med min japanska!
Later in that evening we went to a pub again (it was England after all). We went out with two japanese girl that Linnéa had met before. It was so mych fun, but i hope they didn't get annoyed with my japanese!
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Yumeko and Linnéa |
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Ayumi and me :) |
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They have this great ferris wheel in the middle of town too! |
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Midterms tomorrow
I'm home safe and sound from England! I had so much fun hanging out with Linnéa, Elin and their friends. I'm going to update about that tomorrow evening if i'm not too dead from the exam. Yeah, that's right, tomorrow is midterms, and i'm soo not ready for it! The kanjis won't stick and i just can't remember all the names of the different verb groups..
Well well, i'm done with studying for tonight, just turned in my last essay as well haha XD Now i'm gonna drink tea (because of course it's not enough with the exam, i have to be sick with a throat that's killing me too!) with lots and lots of honey in it and watch some series.
I'll return with less complains tomorrow! haha
Well well, i'm done with studying for tonight, just turned in my last essay as well haha XD Now i'm gonna drink tea (because of course it's not enough with the exam, i have to be sick with a throat that's killing me too!) with lots and lots of honey in it and watch some series.
I'll return with less complains tomorrow! haha
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Recent gets
I finally got some money, so i could buy food again haha. Good thing i had Ninlil when i didn't have any money! Not that she had a lot either but. Aand, i just couldn't help but to buy a couple of other things as well. I know i said i'm going to try to shop less, but i'm going to Bristol and Cardiff this weekend, so i'm guessing there might be some shopping involved as well ;) Anyways, here's what i got!
As i mentioned above i have one of my midterm exams tomorrow, the oral one. And i've been so nervous night since i came back from school! I'm not really sure why though, i think it's not knowing exactly what i'm gonna talk about that stresses me out. Don't know if i already wrote about this before, but we had to write three speeches of topics that the teacher had chosen, and then when we get there tomorrow we get to know wich one to hold. It's only the teacher and one other student though (the student i'm gonna be with is japanese though, and i've never met her haha). And i haven't really prepared any of my speeches well, so it doesn't really feel great. But i only have to speak for about three minutes, so it shouldn't be a real problem.. We'll see tomorrow!
Today Ninlil left for her Asia tour as well. Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Japan. She'll be gone for a whole month, staying two weeks in Japan i think, i'm sooo jealous! It's going to be so empty without her in the apartment though :(
Well, now i'm going to read through my speeches and then off to bed!
Good night!
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High waisted shorts and this cute top from Gina Tricot! |
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Floral dress from H&M that was really cheap! Can't decide whether i think it's a little too big or not though.. Gonna go try on the smaller size after the exam tormorrow. |
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And also these two headbands from Lindex |
Today Ninlil left for her Asia tour as well. Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Japan. She'll be gone for a whole month, staying two weeks in Japan i think, i'm sooo jealous! It's going to be so empty without her in the apartment though :(
Well, now i'm going to read through my speeches and then off to bed!
Good night!
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