Sunday, 5 February 2012

Quick update

Tänkte bara göra en liten snabb uppdatering här, innan vi börjar laga vår carbonara. Igårkväll gick vi in till stan på lite hemmafest hos en av Ninlils kompisar. De andra skulle dra vidare till Malmö och gå ut där, men vi stod över det och gick hem till Ninlil igen tillsammans med Victoria och Henrik en sväng och drack lite te och amaretto. Det var riktigt trevligt att komma ut och träffa på lite nytt folk iaf, även om det inte blev en så lång stund. Danne var där också, väldigt oväntat. Har inte träffat honom sen Kyoto 2008 typ? Så det var ju också riktigt kul.

Just making a small post before we start cooking our carbonara. Last night we went into town to one of Ninlil's friends who had a party. The others at the party were going to Malmö after to go to a club or something, but we passed on that and went back to Ninlil's place with Victoria and Henrik and had some tea and amaretto haha. It was really nice to get out and meet some new people, even though it was only for a few hours. I also met Danne there. I haven't seen him since Kyoto 2008 or something? So that was also really fun.

Viktoria and Victoria ^^ I know my hair looks like a total mess!

Such a bad photo with Danne lol ;P
Ninlil has the cutest cups!
Nice backgroud right?

Nu ska vi börja göra oss lite mat här, och sen ska vi en par våningar ner till Ninlils bror och hans fru och kika på film. Det blir Vengeance trilogin - Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Old Boy och Lady Vengeance. Får se om vi hinner med alla dock.
Hoppas alla haft en bra helg!

Now we're gonna start cooking, and then we're going a couple of floors down to Ninlil's brother and his wife to watch the Vengeance trilogy - Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Old Boy and Lady Vengeance. We'll see if we have time for them all though
Hope you've had a good weekend!

Btw, crazy sunset the other day. This doesn't really show it, but the sun was bright red, and only like a huge ball.
So amazing. Too bad it never shown in pictures! (unless you have a great camera or mad ps skills)

1 comment:

  1. I wish I'd be able to cook carbonara,too.
    But it seems hard and the ingredients are expensive here >_<
