Självklart är det mitt-termins tenta precis denna veckan, så jag kommer inte kunna stanna så länge.
I think i forgot to tell you that i booked Florence + the Machine tickets a while ago?! I'm really excited (even though all my money will be gone). It's march the 5th in Cardiff, Wales! Not only am i going to be able to see one of my absolute favorite band, but also i'll have company by two of my favorite girls, Elin and Linnéa! First i'll go to Bristol and visit Linnéa, then take her with me to Cardiff where Elin lives and after that - concert time! Booked the airplane tickets yesterday, and going to book the train and bus tickets later today or tomorrow.
But of course we have our midterm test that week at the uni, so i won't be able to stay that long.
Igår hade jag även min första dag på japanskan. Det gick bra och var roligt, har redan läst det vi pluggar så det blir nog bra att få fräscha upp det man lärt sig innan. Det svåraste nu är ju att lära in alla kanji igen, har glömt så otroligt många. Så jag har suttit och pluggat lite nu på förmiddagen medan Ninlil har skypeat med Shou. Förlåt för att det bara blir massa bilder på byggnader, men jag är lite kär i universitetsområdet.
Yesterday was my first day at the japanese course. It went fine and was quite fun aswell. I've already studied what we're studying now in Japan, så it's good to just be able to brush up on the language. The hardest thing are all the kanji, i've forgotten soo many! So i've been studying a little now in the day while Ninlil was skypeing with Shou. Sorry about all the building pictures, but i'm in love with the campus!
Ååhh Florence, vill också se!