Jag antar att många hört att Kronsprinsessans dotter ska heta Estelle? Kanske kommer folk sluta skratta åt mitt mellannamn? Haha.. Fick sms från min bror att nu saknas ju bara Maria så har jag alla mina namn representerade i kungahuset \(^o^)/ haha
The Swedish Crown princess had a daughter and is naming her Estelle. Now people might stop thinking that my middle name which is also Estelle is so funny and only for old ladies lol.. It's a bit funny though since the princess is named Victoria, same as me ^^
Today I went to Nova by myself, ofc I got lost on the way haha, but I found it quite fast! Bought some stuff and met up with Ninlil after the had finished work. Now Christopher is here, and also Brenda so we're gonna watch some movies now.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Okay, so have you tried this? The fluffernutter? If you haven't you should! It's so weird haha.. And it might be one of the most unhealthiest sandwiches ever xD
This is how you do it! (I mean, you could neeever figure this out without pictures, nonono! Okay, i'm bored from studying..)
Anyways, Ninlil is at work, and i was supposed to get up at 9am to study kanji and such and then go for a walk or something. What happened? Well, my phone died so i woke up at 11.30 by our neighbours drilling in the walls. So i'm still at home with my kanjis, but i think i'm gonna go out soon anyways, it's 10 degees C outside!
Hope you enjoy the sandwich that i take for granted everyone's gonna make now!
This is how you do it! (I mean, you could neeever figure this out without pictures, nonono! Okay, i'm bored from studying..)
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Get peanut butter (i like the crunchy kind the best) and marshmallow fluff |
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Spread it on very unhealthy white bread! |
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Then smack them together, and tadaa - you get a fluffernutter! (no i did not have it for breakfast! haha) |
Hope you enjoy the sandwich that i take for granted everyone's gonna make now!
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
A small sign of spring
Så jag börjar bli lite irriterad på mig själv att jag inte börjat plugga på tentan som vi har den 9:e än, men det mesta tror jag att jag fixar ändå. Det är mest de där jäkla kanjina! (kanjisarna? vad säger man?) och även vad de olika verbformerna heter på engelska, det har jag ju lärt mig på japanska innan, och kan det ju inte ens på svenska! Haha.. men det ska jag nog kunna trycka in hoppas jag. Vädret är hemskt underligt här nere, det regnar och blåser jättemycket just nu och är fyra grader varmt, men för nån dag sen vräkte det ner snö.. Men våren känns inte alltför långt borta nu!
So i'm starting to get annoyed with myself for not studying for the mid term exam that we have on the 9th, but i think i got most of it already. The hardest thing is still those darn kanjis! And also to learn what all the different verb forms are called in english, i've known what they're called in japanese before, but i don't even know them in swedish! Haha.. but i hope i can mash it into my head. The weather is really weird down here, right now it's raining and blowing a lot and it's four degrees celsius. But a couple of days ago it was snowing a lot. But i feel hope that spring is near!
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Ninlil bakade semlor igår! Sjukt goda :D / Ninlil made these yesterday! Soo delicious :D |
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This was my look for today. Wore my dress with birds from H&M that i bought a while ago |
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What the..? Flowers in february?! It's such difference living in the southern part of Sweden! |
Friday, 17 February 2012
Me, me, me ^__^
Eftersom jag inte har nåt vidare intressant att skriva om, tänkte jag bara ladda upp lite bilder på mig själv från de senaste dagarna haha. Har mest varit på skolan och stan nu i veckan. Peruken har fått göra mig sällskap i skolan då jag började känna att mitt hår var en smärre katastrof. Utväxten var inte helt okej ^^ Därför tog jag och färgade det igår, ooch det blev lite väl ljust.. Kanske är det bara för att jag har vant mig vid att ha det ganska mörkt, men det känns ganska mysko just nu. Vänjer mig väl kanske snart!
Since i don't have anything interesting to blog about, i'm just gonna upload some pictures of my self that i've taken the past few days. I've mostly been in school and in town this week. The wig has accompanied me in school since i started too feel like my hair was a minor catastrophe. The roots were not okay! ^^ I colored it yesterday, but i think it turned out too bright. Maybe i'll grow to like it when i get more used to it!
Since i don't have anything interesting to blog about, i'm just gonna upload some pictures of my self that i've taken the past few days. I've mostly been in school and in town this week. The wig has accompanied me in school since i started too feel like my hair was a minor catastrophe. The roots were not okay! ^^ I colored it yesterday, but i think it turned out too bright. Maybe i'll grow to like it when i get more used to it!
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Borrowed Ninlil's headband, love it! |
Bad picture lol, but we made taco pie and it was sooo good! |
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Look how bright my hair turned out! Or is it just me? Don't know what to think.. |
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Love the Luigi mustache i got haha XD |
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
City pictures + Valentine's Day
Happy valentine's Day! Hope everyone's had / having a great day!
I'm so full right now I'm worried I might explode soon! Me and Ninlil made a great dinner + dessert.
We decided to have a nice meal together since our boyfriends live so far away! Haha
The weather has been really wonderful but a bit cold, and we got some snow too. But then today it was all foggy and rainy :(
Okay, I'm just gonna post some pictures I've taken with my phone the last couple of days now.
I'm so full right now I'm worried I might explode soon! Me and Ninlil made a great dinner + dessert.
We decided to have a nice meal together since our boyfriends live so far away! Haha
The weather has been really wonderful but a bit cold, and we got some snow too. But then today it was all foggy and rainy :(
Okay, I'm just gonna post some pictures I've taken with my phone the last couple of days now.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Since last time
Jag har varit i skolan och jobbat på, det går bra och det ända som känns lite svårt är kanji.. och så partiklar då, har jag alltid haft lite svårt för! I måndags åkte jag och Ninlil in till Malmö för att träffa Ninlils lillebror som var där från Stockholm. Vi vandrade runt i ett något illaluktande Malmö (vet inte riktigt vad det var som pågick just den kvällen..) och gick sedan tillsammans med Ninlils äldre bror och hans fru och käkade middag på v.e.s.p.a, en italiensk restaurang. Det var supergott verkligen! Men en dålig start på vår nystartade nyttiga vecka haha.
I've been in school all week, and it feels good. The only thing i'm having trouble remebering is the kanji. And also the particles, always had some trouble with those! This monday me and Ninlil went to Malmö to see her younger brother who was visiting from Stcokholm. We walk around in the city (who was very smelly that night for some unknown reason..) and then we went to an italian restaurant called v.e.s.p.a with him, Ninlil's older brother and his wife. The food was so good! But maybe not such a great start to our healthy week haha.
We made a japanese dish called "oyakodon" this week too, it's rice with chicken on top that you've boiled some in a sauce. It's easy to make, and is really good! Good thing that Ninlil had all the ingredients for the sauce at home. It's made on mirin, soy, sake, sugar and dashi. You then boil it with the chicken, and put in an egg att the end and stirr some. You can also just put the egg raw on top of the dish after if you like that better. I used to eat this at a food chain called Nakau when i lived in Japan. This tasted just like that, but i think our chicken turned out a little better ^^
I torsdags eftermiddag kom även Christopher hit och hälsade på. Han åker hem igen imorgon, men det var jättekul att vi hann ses över helgen iaf! Igår hade vi lite hemmafest eller vad man ska kalla det. Kim och Lukas kom över och umgicks lite med oss. Vi visste inte riktigt om vi skulle iväg nånstans, men tillslut blev det så att vi stannade här hemma istället. Tog mest hemska bilder med blixt under kvällen dock.
This thursday afternoon Christopher came here to visit. He's going home again tomorrow, but it was really nice to be able to hang out over the weekend! Yesterday we had like a small party at home. Or well, Kim and Lukas came over for some drinks and hung out for a while. We didn't know if we were going out later, but in the end we just ended up staying at home. I only took bad pics with flash during the night though.
Jag var även och hämtade ut ett paket för en par dagar sen, min nya peruk hade kommit! Gillar den verkligen, ska bara pudra på den lite så luggen och så blir lite mindre blank och försöka få till lite mer volym upptill. Ebay är inte dåligt det.
I also got a package a couple of days ago, it was the wig i had ordered from Ebay a while ago. I really like it, just have to add some powder to it to make the bangs and such a little less shiner and try to add some more volume up top.
Went to the shopping centre called Nova today, had some coffee and checked out some stores. Tonight we've watched the new Studio Ghibli / Miyazaki movie "Karigurashi no Arietti / The secret world of Arrietty" and it was really nice. You should watch it if you get a chance! Also watched Puss in boots again ^^
Now i'm off to bed!
I've been in school all week, and it feels good. The only thing i'm having trouble remebering is the kanji. And also the particles, always had some trouble with those! This monday me and Ninlil went to Malmö to see her younger brother who was visiting from Stcokholm. We walk around in the city (who was very smelly that night for some unknown reason..) and then we went to an italian restaurant called v.e.s.p.a with him, Ninlil's older brother and his wife. The food was so good! But maybe not such a great start to our healthy week haha.
Vi gjorde även en japansk rätt som heter "oyakodon", som består av ris med kyckling ovanpå som man kokat i en sås. Det var ganska enkelt att göra men blir så gott! Bra att Ninlil hade alla ingredienser man behövde hemma. Såsen gör man på mirin, soya, sake, socker och dashi. Efter man kokat allt tillsammans en stund knäcker man i ett ägg och rör runt det tills det blivit lite fast. Man kan även knäcka det direkt ovanpå allt när det är klart om man hellre gillar det så. Brukade äta det på en restaurang som heter Nakau när jag bodde i Japan. Det här blev precis som det, fast kanske vår kyckling blev lite godare ^^
We made a japanese dish called "oyakodon" this week too, it's rice with chicken on top that you've boiled some in a sauce. It's easy to make, and is really good! Good thing that Ninlil had all the ingredients for the sauce at home. It's made on mirin, soy, sake, sugar and dashi. You then boil it with the chicken, and put in an egg att the end and stirr some. You can also just put the egg raw on top of the dish after if you like that better. I used to eat this at a food chain called Nakau when i lived in Japan. This tasted just like that, but i think our chicken turned out a little better ^^
This thursday afternoon Christopher came here to visit. He's going home again tomorrow, but it was really nice to be able to hang out over the weekend! Yesterday we had like a small party at home. Or well, Kim and Lukas came over for some drinks and hung out for a while. We didn't know if we were going out later, but in the end we just ended up staying at home. I only took bad pics with flash during the night though.
Jag var även och hämtade ut ett paket för en par dagar sen, min nya peruk hade kommit! Gillar den verkligen, ska bara pudra på den lite så luggen och så blir lite mindre blank och försöka få till lite mer volym upptill. Ebay är inte dåligt det.
I also got a package a couple of days ago, it was the wig i had ordered from Ebay a while ago. I really like it, just have to add some powder to it to make the bangs and such a little less shiner and try to add some more volume up top.
Went to the shopping centre called Nova today, had some coffee and checked out some stores. Tonight we've watched the new Studio Ghibli / Miyazaki movie "Karigurashi no Arietti / The secret world of Arrietty" and it was really nice. You should watch it if you get a chance! Also watched Puss in boots again ^^
Now i'm off to bed!
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Quick update
Tänkte bara göra en liten snabb uppdatering här, innan vi börjar laga vår carbonara. Igårkväll gick vi in till stan på lite hemmafest hos en av Ninlils kompisar. De andra skulle dra vidare till Malmö och gå ut där, men vi stod över det och gick hem till Ninlil igen tillsammans med Victoria och Henrik en sväng och drack lite te och amaretto. Det var riktigt trevligt att komma ut och träffa på lite nytt folk iaf, även om det inte blev en så lång stund. Danne var där också, väldigt oväntat. Har inte träffat honom sen Kyoto 2008 typ? Så det var ju också riktigt kul.
Just making a small post before we start cooking our carbonara. Last night we went into town to one of Ninlil's friends who had a party. The others at the party were going to Malmö after to go to a club or something, but we passed on that and went back to Ninlil's place with Victoria and Henrik and had some tea and amaretto haha. It was really nice to get out and meet some new people, even though it was only for a few hours. I also met Danne there. I haven't seen him since Kyoto 2008 or something? So that was also really fun.
Nu ska vi börja göra oss lite mat här, och sen ska vi en par våningar ner till Ninlils bror och hans fru och kika på film. Det blir Vengeance trilogin - Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Old Boy och Lady Vengeance. Får se om vi hinner med alla dock.
Hoppas alla haft en bra helg!
Now we're gonna start cooking, and then we're going a couple of floors down to Ninlil's brother and his wife to watch the Vengeance trilogy - Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Old Boy and Lady Vengeance. We'll see if we have time for them all though
Hope you've had a good weekend!
Just making a small post before we start cooking our carbonara. Last night we went into town to one of Ninlil's friends who had a party. The others at the party were going to Malmö after to go to a club or something, but we passed on that and went back to Ninlil's place with Victoria and Henrik and had some tea and amaretto haha. It was really nice to get out and meet some new people, even though it was only for a few hours. I also met Danne there. I haven't seen him since Kyoto 2008 or something? So that was also really fun.
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Viktoria and Victoria ^^ I know my hair looks like a total mess! |
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Such a bad photo with Danne lol ;P |
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Ninlil has the cutest cups! |
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Nice backgroud right? |
Nu ska vi börja göra oss lite mat här, och sen ska vi en par våningar ner till Ninlils bror och hans fru och kika på film. Det blir Vengeance trilogin - Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Old Boy och Lady Vengeance. Får se om vi hinner med alla dock.
Hoppas alla haft en bra helg!
Now we're gonna start cooking, and then we're going a couple of floors down to Ninlil's brother and his wife to watch the Vengeance trilogy - Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Old Boy and Lady Vengeance. We'll see if we have time for them all though
Hope you've had a good weekend!
Friday, 3 February 2012
Florence + the Machine - Booked!
Jag tror jag har glömt att berätta att jag bokade biljetter till Florence + the Machine för ett tag sen?! Det ska bli så himla roligt (även om alla mina pengar kommer ta slut). Det är den 5:e mars i Cardiff, Wales. Så jag kommer inte bara att få se ett av mina absoluta favoritband, utan även två av mina absoluta favorittjejer, Elin och Linnéa! Jag kommer åka till Bristol först och hälsa på Linnéa, sen ta med henne till Cardiff och hälsa på Elin och så slutligen blir det konsterten för oss alla tre! Bokade flygbiljetterna igår kväll och ska boka tåg- och bussbiljetter sen ikväll eller imorgon.
Självklart är det mitt-termins tenta precis denna veckan, så jag kommer inte kunna stanna så länge.
I think i forgot to tell you that i booked Florence + the Machine tickets a while ago?! I'm really excited (even though all my money will be gone). It's march the 5th in Cardiff, Wales! Not only am i going to be able to see one of my absolute favorite band, but also i'll have company by two of my favorite girls, Elin and Linnéa! First i'll go to Bristol and visit Linnéa, then take her with me to Cardiff where Elin lives and after that - concert time! Booked the airplane tickets yesterday, and going to book the train and bus tickets later today or tomorrow.
But of course we have our midterm test that week at the uni, so i won't be able to stay that long.
Yesterday was my first day at the japanese course. It went fine and was quite fun aswell. I've already studied what we're studying now in Japan, så it's good to just be able to brush up on the language. The hardest thing are all the kanji, i've forgotten soo many! So i've been studying a little now in the day while Ninlil was skypeing with Shou. Sorry about all the building pictures, but i'm in love with the campus!
Självklart är det mitt-termins tenta precis denna veckan, så jag kommer inte kunna stanna så länge.
I think i forgot to tell you that i booked Florence + the Machine tickets a while ago?! I'm really excited (even though all my money will be gone). It's march the 5th in Cardiff, Wales! Not only am i going to be able to see one of my absolute favorite band, but also i'll have company by two of my favorite girls, Elin and Linnéa! First i'll go to Bristol and visit Linnéa, then take her with me to Cardiff where Elin lives and after that - concert time! Booked the airplane tickets yesterday, and going to book the train and bus tickets later today or tomorrow.
But of course we have our midterm test that week at the uni, so i won't be able to stay that long.
Igår hade jag även min första dag på japanskan. Det gick bra och var roligt, har redan läst det vi pluggar så det blir nog bra att få fräscha upp det man lärt sig innan. Det svåraste nu är ju att lära in alla kanji igen, har glömt så otroligt många. Så jag har suttit och pluggat lite nu på förmiddagen medan Ninlil har skypeat med Shou. Förlåt för att det bara blir massa bilder på byggnader, men jag är lite kär i universitetsområdet.
Yesterday was my first day at the japanese course. It went fine and was quite fun aswell. I've already studied what we're studying now in Japan, så it's good to just be able to brush up on the language. The hardest thing are all the kanji, i've forgotten soo many! So i've been studying a little now in the day while Ninlil was skypeing with Shou. Sorry about all the building pictures, but i'm in love with the campus!
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Staying in Lund
Igår tog jag och Ninlil tåget till Malmö och mötte upp med Kim och Per för en fika, eller brunch kanske det mer var. Malmö är ju en fin stad, men det kanske har hänt lite väl mycket hemskheter det senaste året. Kikade i lite affärer, men höll oss från att shoppa nåt faktiskt. Ska försöka dra ner på shoppingen i år har jag tänkt, och kanske kunna spara undan lite pengar istället. Får väl se hur länge det håller.
Mot kvällen åkte vi hem till Lund igen och kikade på "Into the wild" som inte Ninlil hade sett ännu. Mys.
Yesterday me and Ninlil took the train to Malmö (the neighbour city) and met up with Kim and Per för some brunch. Malmö is a really nice town, but it's been a lot of awful things going on. Lots of murders in only one year. We checked out some stores, but actually didn't buy anything. I'm gonna try to cut down on the shopping this year and try to save some money instead. We'll see how long that'll last.
In the evening we went back home to Lund again and watched "Into the wild" that Ninlil hadn't seen yet. Cozy.
Idag fick jag även reda på att jag kan börja gå på lektionerna till kursen jag hoppats på att komma in på. Det är alltså en japanska kurs. Jag har redan läst det vi kommer plugga nu i Japan innan. Men jag vill underhålla språket och har även känt att jag har börjat glömma så mycket på sistone. Dessutom hoppas jag lite på att kunna få åka på ett utbytesår nästa år :3
Today i also found out that i could start going to the lectures for the course i've been wanting to start. It's a japanese course. I've already studied this in Japan, but i want to maintain it, and i've been forgetting a lot lately. Also i'm really hoping to be able to go on an exchange year next year maybe :3
Mot kvällen åkte vi hem till Lund igen och kikade på "Into the wild" som inte Ninlil hade sett ännu. Mys.
Yesterday me and Ninlil took the train to Malmö (the neighbour city) and met up with Kim and Per för some brunch. Malmö is a really nice town, but it's been a lot of awful things going on. Lots of murders in only one year. We checked out some stores, but actually didn't buy anything. I'm gonna try to cut down on the shopping this year and try to save some money instead. We'll see how long that'll last.
In the evening we went back home to Lund again and watched "Into the wild" that Ninlil hadn't seen yet. Cozy.
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A police RV in Malmö, guess the police will be able to get to the scene real fast then? |
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Today we made a very easy dinner. Cooked noodles in soy milk, added tofu, garlic, soy and green onion |
Today i also found out that i could start going to the lectures for the course i've been wanting to start. It's a japanese course. I've already studied this in Japan, but i want to maintain it, and i've been forgetting a lot lately. Also i'm really hoping to be able to go on an exchange year next year maybe :3
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