Färgerna på bilderna var väldigt skumma från den dagen av nån anledning..
// Me, Anastasia, Kelly and Stephy went to the Nanzoi temple and saw a huge reclining Buddha statue in brons. I've been meaning to write about this for over a month now, but never got to it. Plus i wanted to have the group picture we took there in the post as well, but i don't really have that much to write about at the moment so i'll post about it anyways :)
The colours of the pics were really strange from that day for some reason..
So angry... |
Det var massvis med små stenstatyer upp över skogen! // There were so many little stone statues up in the woods! |
Det gick knappt att få med honom på bild! Kolla på personen vid fötterna så ser ni vad stor han är. // Could hardly fit him in the picture! Look at the person by his feet and you'll see how big he is. |
Tjusiga fötter // Fancy feet |
Om ni någonsin åker till Fukuoka rekommenderar jag verkligen att ni åker hit! Himla häftigt, och många statyer och små tempel på väg till den sovande Buddha. Det ligger i Sasaguri och man kan ta tåget dit.
// If you ever go to Fukuoka i really recommend going here! Really cool and a lot of statues and small temples on the way to the sleeping Buddha. It's in Sasaguri and you can take the train there.