I happened to loose all of my inspration for blogging there for a while. Anyways I'm back in Lund again, and started my.. third?! week back at the univeristy (where does the time go?). It's fun. But a little harder than last semester. Wich is also good of course. I've spent my evening today with reading a text from 'Saussure's Theory of Language' for our class in linguistics tomorrow. And i'm really doubting my intelligence level right now haha.
Åt yoghurtglass för första gången. Det var gott, ja. Had yoghurt ice cream for the first time. It was good, yes. |
Hittade en mystisk morot. Found a weird looking carrot. |
Gick på en par fester. En med de japanska utbytesstudenterna som var väldigt rolig Went to some parties. One with the japanese exchange students wich was really fun |
Köpte lite gulliga kort |
Nu ska jag fortsätta läsa texten som aldrig nånsin tar slut här
And now i shall continue to read the text that never ends
Ahahaha jag älskar korten! och du är så fin<3