Sunday, 8 July 2012

Recording and hanging out in the cabin

Sorry for the low update! I actually wrote this post on yesterday morning right before me and my brother were going into town with the bus. But then i suddenly realized that we had to leave in three minutes so i didn't have time to post it, since my old computer is so so slow haha. We only have one bus on saturdays that goes into town, and that leaved at 9am, oh the joy!

Anyways, Me, Patrik, Katarina, Klara and James spent last sunday trough tuesday in our cabin (summer house, lake house what ever you're supposed to call it). They wanted to record "Jämtlandssången" and i tagged along. So we spent those days recording the song wich is a local song about the area in Sweden where we live and also grilled - a lot! and doing big hair. So here's some pictures! (i know it's quite similar to my last post, but yeah..)

Nu har jag varit sådär dålig på att uppdatera igen, sorry! Jag skrev egentligen det här inlägget igår morse innan jag och min bror skulle åka in med bussen till stan, men så såg jag att jag bara hade tre minuter tills vi var tvungna att gå så jag hann aldrig publicera det med min sega gamla dator haha. Vi har ju bara en buss in till stan på lördagar, och den går klockan nio på morgonen, yay!

Hursomhelst, Jag, Patrik, Katarina, Klara och James spenderade förra söndan till tisdan i vår stuga. De ville spela in Jämtlandssången och jag hängde på. Så vi spenderade de dagarna med att spela in den, grilla massor och göra stora frisyrer. Så här är lite bilder! (jag vet att det är lite samma som mitt förra inlägg men..)

Katarina and James writing down the song for James :3
Me watching the action haha

You have to wear wellingtons! haha

Man måste ha gummistövlar på sig!
Made a cozy fire too!
I tried out this kind of 60s hairstyle that day wich i quite like

James and Patrik doing some recording
We recorded us girls' vocals until like 6.30 - 7 am, looked like this outside when we went to bed
James found this little bird that had fallen out of his nest and was being attacked by ants before we left on tuesday D: Poor birdy. We put him in that birds nest that we found last time (did not touch him ofc), his mom actually came and fed him! Felt so sorry for him when we left him though ;_;
Named him Sir Chirpington McTweet
Grilling marshmallows is the best! (Even though they always catch on fire hrm)
We (well.. i don't do anything at all) still have some work on the song, looking forward to hearing it when they've finished it! ^^

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