Monday, 7 May 2012

Our weekend

Christopher kom ner till Lund i torsdagskväll och stannade över helgen. Vi kikade på Totoro, gick på bio och åkte över till Köpenhamn på lördagen. Det har blivit lite kallt och blåsigt, men det är iaf fortfarande soligt. Och åh vad tråkig den här helgbeskrivningen lät! Haha.. Jag lägger upp lite bilder istället ^^

Christopher came to visit over the weekend, and went back home early this morning. We watced Totoro, went to the movies and took the train over to Copenhagen on saturday. It's gotten a bit chilly again, but at least the sun is still shining. I'm writing this so boring aren't i?! Haha.. I'm just gonna post some pictures now ^^

The movie theather
Iron Man yay!! We watched Avengers, liked it a lot
My look for Copenhagen. Looks like i'm falling asleep though ;)
Also tried to make more interesting nails. They look nice irl, but not really in the picture :(
Inspired by Sara from when she had glitter tips *u*
Ninlil bought me those sakura nail decorations in Japan :3
On the train to Denmark. Only takes one hour, so that's nice

Ninlil kände till en rolig restaurang som var inredd som en gammal spårvagn som vi gick till!

Ninlil knew about this fun restaurant that was decorated like an old tram!
Called "sporvejen"

Had great burgers! I had the bacon cheese

Walked along "nyhavn" - new harbor
Next time i wanna go to Tivoli! :D The amusement park

Beställde två par nya linser ikväll, längtar tills de kommer! har ju inga alls att använda nu.
Imorgon har jag inte skolan förrän 13.15! Woho ^^ Så nu ska jag introducera Ninlil till Game of Thrones :D

Ordered two pair of lenses tonight as well, can't wait for them to get here! Right now i don't have any so..
Tomorrow i don't have school until 13.15! Woho ^^ So i'm going to introduce Ninlil to Game of Thrones now :D


  1. hello!!! i nominated your cute blog for The Versatile Blogger Award

    check here :

  2. these photos are really great!
    im melting for the pinkish flowers!

  3. your outfit looks really cute, with the heart tights :3

    check out my giveaway if you like ;)

  4. Thanks a lot >3 following you too! ^^

  5. Nice post and nice pictures ! :)
