Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Har verkligen varit dålig på att blogga, men inte för att det inte har hänt grejer. Spenderade hela helgen med Anneli, vi gick ut på fredagen, var på promenad, åt massor och kollade på film hela lördagen, och så lite mer film på söndagen. I måndags hängde jag med Sara lite grann innan hon åkte vidare till Japan. För att se Dir en grey, hon flyttar inte riktigt än iaf!
Hur som helst, det är lite grejer på gång men jag vågar inte riktigt säga vad än. Inget är helt klart och jag vill inte jinxa nåt ^^

I've been really bad at updating lately, not because i nothing's been going on though, just lazy ;P Spent the whole weekend at Anneli's place. We went out on friday, went for a walk, ate a lot and watched movies all trough saturday and countiued to watch movies on sunday. On monday i hung out with Sara before she went to Japan. Not to move this time though!
Anyways, there's some stuff going on, but i don't want to write about it until it's 100% sure. I really don't wanna jinx it ^^

This weekend i'm gonna see Christopher, leaving tomorrow and i'll be back sunday :)

Since i'm feeling nostalgic (i always do though...) and didn't take any good pics last weekend, i'm just gonna post a few pictures from my last month in Japan

Did my last modelling job, Naoko came with me this time

Cute Naoko <3
With Linnéa, girl i don't remember the name of :S, Riran, Naoko and Crazy eyes Viktoria
For Golden Week me and Naoko went to her hometown, Kure
It's near Hiroshima, so we also went there

Went to Miyajima, it was so lovely
Ate a "moffuru" haha.. Momijimanju (maple bun)  inside a waffle ^^
Celebrated Richard's birthday in Osaka, and even i got a goodbye present!

1 comment:

  1. You're looking very cute here ^ ^

    Wish I could travel to Japan one day.
