Tuesday, 31 January 2012

A cat and a sunny day

I lördags blev vi hembjudna till Ninlils kompisar Victoria och Henrik. Det blev pizzabak (andra gången denna veckan då), trevligt sällskap och så kanske lite vin.. och cider.. och baileys. Tur hade kattallergikern i mig att även Henrik är känslig och hade allergitabletter han kunde bjuda på. De har nämligen skaffat sig en katt vid namn Krabban, eller "Krabbis" då. Och vad händer om man är allerigisk? Jo, katterna verkar tycka det är hemskt intressant med nån som inte klappar dem och kommer genast ^^
Last saturday we got invited to Ninlil's friends Victoria and Henrik. We made pizza (for the second time this week yup), hung out, and drank some wine.. and some cider.. and some baileys. I was lucky that Henrik had allergy pills that i could have, since they got a cat. Named Krabban - "The Crab". What happens when you're allergic? Well, all the cats seems to find it really fascinating that you won't pet them and always comes to you ^^

Sneak attack
Always finds a way to cuddle
In the end i gave up and let him lay there haha.. i didn't get super allergic ether! Nice
Ninlil and I
Then Kim decided to pose with Ninlil on a picture hmm
Dan efter gick vi faktiskt på en dans klass på ett gym på andra sidan stan. Det var Victoria som var ledare för den och det var riktigt roligt. Men också riiktigt jobbigt!

The next day we actually went to a dance class at a gym on the other side of town. It was Victoria who held the class and it was really fun. But reaally exhausting! 

Today i went with red lips and only eyeliner for eye make up
We went to the university again who still didn't give me a proper answer, i really hope they call me with good news tomorrow! This buiding is the university's library

Drinking coffey and eating brownies
And watched a pretty cool sunset from the window

Saturday, 28 January 2012

In Lund

Jag har inte dött, bara inte haft några bilder och så att lägga upp. Jag är i alla fall här i Lund då då och snyltar hos Ninlil. Vi har ätit massa, varit på stan, kikat på lite film och serier och varit hem till några av hennes kompisar. Vi har även varit på universitetet en par gånger, det är alltså därför jag är här. Jag försöker få komma in på en kurs i efterhand trots att den redan börjat. Och det har verkat ganska ljust men tyvärr får jag aldrig nåt ordentligt svar. Så jag hoppas jag får det på måndag så jag vet om jag kan stanna eller om det blir till att åka upp till snön igen.

I'm not dead! I just haven't had any pictures and such to post. I'm still in Lund anyways, staying at Ninlil's place. We've been eating a lot, done some shopping, watched movies and tv-series and visiting some of her friends. We've also been at the univeristy a couple of times, that's why i'm here actually. I'm trying to get in to a course that's already started. It seemed like it was fine, but i haven't had a final answer yet, so i'm hoping i'll hear about it on monday so i know if i can start or if i have to go back home to the snow again.

Made pizza on the night i got there!
The day before yesterday we made omurice
It was gooood :3

I want that cat pillow! KamKam <3
Also made brownies with peanut butter and peanuts

Couldn't resist buying these cute bowl thingies!
The big one was on sale and the two small ones were only 29 kr a piece :D

Monday, 23 January 2012

Going away tomorrow

I got a new iphone case, and i really like it! Ordered it from Society6.com, they have a huge anount of iphone cases and a lot more!

I've been packing all day, i'm leaving for Lund (in the very south of sweden) tomorrow. I'll tell you more about it when i get there! I'm gonna stay with Ninlil for a while anyways. Now i'm gonna meet Anneli in town to go to the new Sherlock Holmes movie! Bye for now

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Har verkligen varit dålig på att blogga, men inte för att det inte har hänt grejer. Spenderade hela helgen med Anneli, vi gick ut på fredagen, var på promenad, åt massor och kollade på film hela lördagen, och så lite mer film på söndagen. I måndags hängde jag med Sara lite grann innan hon åkte vidare till Japan. För att se Dir en grey, hon flyttar inte riktigt än iaf!
Hur som helst, det är lite grejer på gång men jag vågar inte riktigt säga vad än. Inget är helt klart och jag vill inte jinxa nåt ^^

I've been really bad at updating lately, not because i nothing's been going on though, just lazy ;P Spent the whole weekend at Anneli's place. We went out on friday, went for a walk, ate a lot and watched movies all trough saturday and countiued to watch movies on sunday. On monday i hung out with Sara before she went to Japan. Not to move this time though!
Anyways, there's some stuff going on, but i don't want to write about it until it's 100% sure. I really don't wanna jinx it ^^

This weekend i'm gonna see Christopher, leaving tomorrow and i'll be back sunday :)

Since i'm feeling nostalgic (i always do though...) and didn't take any good pics last weekend, i'm just gonna post a few pictures from my last month in Japan

Did my last modelling job, Naoko came with me this time

Cute Naoko <3
With Linnéa, girl i don't remember the name of :S, Riran, Naoko and Crazy eyes Viktoria
For Golden Week me and Naoko went to her hometown, Kure
It's near Hiroshima, so we also went there

Went to Miyajima, it was so lovely
Ate a "moffuru" haha.. Momijimanju (maple bun)  inside a waffle ^^
Celebrated Richard's birthday in Osaka, and even i got a goodbye present!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Make up store klubbkväll

Åkte in till stan på eftermiddagen och träffade Maria och Anneli. Blev en liten tur på stan och sen en fika på Tings. Det var klubbkväll på Make up store också, förtur på rean. Så jag och Anneli pinnade dit och hittade oss lite grejer. Det är alltför svårt att inte köpa på sig för mycket saker, men vi var ganska duktiga. Blev endast en nya foundation (det behööver jag ju faktiskt!) och en ögonskugga som Kajsa tipsade mig om att använda som shader. 

Went into town this afternoon and met up with Maria and Anneli. Checked out some stores and went to the café Tings for something warm to drink. Make up store was having a club evening tonight and also some sale, so me and Anneli went to check it out. I always want to buy everything, but only bought a foundation (wich i reeally needed) and an eyeshadow that Kajsa told me was good to use as a shader. 

Tried my wig out today and felt like a reeeal girl ;)


 Also, how come i haven't heard this song before? Heard it in the end of an episode of "United states of Tara" and i love love love it!

Gifts and James' birthday party

Det känns löjligt att uppdatera om vad jag fick i julklapp, som att jag vore 12 ungefär. Men jag fick så mycket fint av alla så jag kan inte hålla mig! Haha. Här är iaf de större grejerna jag fick.
Sen lägger jag även upp en par bilder från när Krikka var här och hälsade på och vi var in till stan för att fira James som hade fyllt år.

It feels so silly to update about what i got for christmas, like i'm 12 or something. But i got so many great things from everybody that i just have to! Haha. Here's some of the bigger things i got.
I'm also posting some pics from when Krikka came to visit after christmas and we went to celebrate James' birthday.

Baking stuff i got! The muffin maker and icing set from Krikka's parents
and the book from my parents.
The two movies from Krikka (also got a blanket with sleeves from him!)
Gaga book and sex and the city box from my parents
Red sweater from my parents, grey sweater (love it! i was so close to buying it myself before christmas) and the double ring with a cross, from my brother
and the top from my grandfather (yeah, mom picked it out)
And this is what i got from Anneli!

Aand this i just because i love my over decorated christmas tree and have to take it down now ^^
Made gingerbread cupcakes with white chocolate mousse
Maria and the edamame mustache
Played twister! I rule haha.. my only talent maybe..
This is Patrik and James ^^
Only Maria and Jenny made the bus into town!
We got left behind and had to take a cab

With Katarina!
Later today i'm gonna go into town and meet up with Maria and later also Anneli. Me and Anneli are going to Make up store's clubevening. 20% off and sale, yay!