Thursday, 28 February 2013

Christopher visiting

Förra helgen var Christopher ner till Lund och hälsade på. Han kom jättetidigt på fredag morgon, jag mötte honom på stationen 05.25 ^^ På kvällen blev jag bjuden på bio, vi såg Cloud Atlas, den var riktigt bra tycker jag. Tyckte det var lite roligt att den koreanska tjejen i filmen, är hon som är med i den japanska filmen "Linda Linda Linda". Hon är bra tycker jag!
På lördagen åkte vi med Ninlil och kikade in det stora och ganska nya köpcentret Emporia i Malmö! Jag hade sett fram emot att åka dit och kika men jag blev liite besviken måste jag säga.. Men de hade Sephora iaf! Haha

Last weekend Christopher came to visit me. His train arrived really early on friday morning, i met him at the station at 5.25 am ^^ That night i got treated to the movies, we watched Cloud Atlas, wich was really good. Thought it was funny that the Korean girl in the movie, is the girl from the Japanese movie 'Linda Linda Linda'. I like her!
On saturday we went to a big shopping mall called Emporia in Malmö, the city next to where i live, with Ninlil. I had never been there before since it opened not that long ago, but i was a little dissapointed. At least they had Sephora though! Haha

Jag hade på mig min nya uggleväska som jag köpte för 79:- på rea för ett tag sen!
//I wore my new cute owl bag that i got really cheap on sale a while ago!
Såhär ser Emporia ut från utsidan. Ninlil berättade att de kommit på efteråt att det var en ganska opraktisk design när snön kom
//Emporia from the outside. Ninlil told us that they realized that the design wasn't that practical afterwards when the snow came
Ninlil hittade en tjusig keps ^^
// Ninlil found a fancy cap
The mall looks pretty nice inside too! This was the green area

Senare tog vi tåget in till Malmö centrum och åt riktigt god Thai mat!
//Later we took the train into Malmö city and had great Thai food!
Och efter det en öl (cider i mitt fall) på en väldigt mysig bar. Som också var en vegan/ vegetarian-restaurang tydligen
//Then we had a beer (or cider in my case) at this really cozy bar. Wich also was a vegan/ vegetarian restaurant.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Japanese and Swedish food party

I lördags hade vi en matfest, då alla japanerna lagade japansk mat och tog med sig och svenskarna lagade svensk mat och tog med sig. Allt var väldigt gott, och det var en väldigt trevlig fest! Det bjöds på bland annat: Japansk curry, omuraisu, sushi och sashimi, köttbullar, prinskorv, grönt te cheesecake, smörgåstårta och massa mer. Det enda tråkiga var väl att festen slutade så tidigt.

Last saturday we had a food party, where all the japanese brought japanese food, and the swedes brought swedish food. Everything was very good, and it was a very nice party! We has among other things: Japanese curry, omuraisu, sushi and sashimi, meatballs, sausages, matcha cheesecake, swedish "sandwich cake" and so on. The only sad thing was that the party ended a bit early.

Snart matdags! // Food time soon!
Jag hade bakat semlor // I had made swedish dessert buns that you eat in february
Ai hade sin lillasyster på besök, de är så himla söta!
//Ai's little sister was visiting, they are so cute!

Jag tänker avsluta med denna fantastiskt vackra bild! haha
// I'm gonna finish with this amazingly beautiful picture! haha

Monday, 18 February 2013

Liebster Award

Jag kommer skriva allt på engelska nu, då det annars kommer bli väldigt mycket text!

I got awarded the 'Liebster award' a couple of days ago by the lovely Athena Ben. Thank you!

The Liebster Award is for new blogger with less than 200 followers (On GFC? Not sure about that..) It's an award that you can pass on to other new bloggers so that we can all discover new blogs!
I actually got tagged once before, but i was to lazy to do it then ;_; Sorry to the person who tagged me! haha

The official 'rules'.
Once you have been nominated, you have to write a blog post including the following:
1. 11 facts about yourself. 2. Answers the 11 questions that the person who nominated you has provided. 3. Provide new questions for bloggers you nominate the award to. 4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate the award, and link their blogs. 5. Contact each blogger via whatever network you like and let them know you have nominated them. 6. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog.

So I'll start with eleven facts about myself then

1. I love animals, but i'm allergic so i can't have a furry pet ;_;
2. I've become sort of a neat freak. I just can't stand with it's messy in the apartment so i clean a lot.
3. I always feel a bit self consious.
4. I've coloured my hair since i was twelve years old. (Or well, i stopped in august 2012, so that's why my hair looks the way it does haha)
5.  I follow way too many tv-series, i've lost count now.
6. I'm very bad at studying, but i always get it done in the end.
7. I met my boyfriend Christopher in Japan 2007.
8. I love going to concerts.
9. I own way too many pairs of shoes. But i love shoes.. so..
10. I always stay up late at night.
11. Even though i am allergic i actually owns two birds. My budgies live at my parents place, are about ten years old and are called Rollo and Plupp ^^  

This is what i looked like in high school btw ^^
Stole this from my old class mate Erika on fb, hope she doesn't mind!
 And here the 11 questions provided by Athena Ben!

1. How much time do you need to get ready in the morning?
Getting dressed, putting on make up and eating breakfast mostly takes about 40 minutes. But i like to have atleast an hour in the morning.

2. What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?
 Half baked from Ben&Jerry's!

3. Would you rather be able to Stop Time or Time Travel?
 Time travel!

4. One thing in your room that couldn't do without?
Well i do have my clothes in my room, and i wouldn't wanna be without those! Haha.. But a thing.. maybe my denshi jisho? (electronic dictionary for japanese)

5. What is your 'statement piece' referring to fashion?

Hm.. I'm bad with that. But i like necklaces that are a bit unusual!

6. What is your greatest accomplishment?
Probably that i have passed all the schools and courses that i've taken! (knock on woods)

7. All time favorite book?
 Kafka on the shore by Haruki Murakami

8. What you'd most likely say to avoid a date?
That i have a boyfriend. Even if i didn't have a bf i would say it anyways ^^

9. Top 5 songs listening to at the moment?
DIR EN GREY - Rinkaku
Elliott Smith - Between the bars
Chris Garneu - Baby's Romance
Marilyn Manson - No reflection
Kent - Jag ser dig

10. Coffee or Tea? (if none, what else?)
Tea! Love it. But i really like coffee too. 

11. What is your desktop background?
This picture that i took last summer:

My nominees are:
1. Anastasia - Deadxsweetness
2. Elin - Elinchan
3. Malin - Vildblommor
4. Sara - She said; under the helios
5. Jade Wright - Bohemianmuses
6. Joshua Hideki - Colorful existence
7. Yumi - Yumixland
8. Anna - TorukoGyaru
9. n a t su ki - Sweet Heavenly Moments
10. Jo - Woo Be Red
11. Hong - Sparking Roar 

And here's my 11 questions for you guys!

1. If you could move anywhere in the whole world, where would it be?

2. What is your absolute favorite food?
3. Top three favorite movies are?
4. What was the best trip you ever made?
5.  All time favorite book?
6. What is your dream job?
7. How many countries have you visited?
8. What would you choose, to never eat ice cream again or to never eat candy again?
9. What's your favorite perfume?
10. Do you have any tattoos? If yes, how many? If no, would you like to get any?
11. What is your favorite tv-series? 

That's it!
This took me forever to write.. Haha ^^

Friday, 15 February 2013

Valentine's Day

Hoppas alla haft en trevlig alla hjärtans dag! (^_^)
Eftersom Christopher kommer och hälsar på nästa helg firade jag dagen med lite språkutbytes-klubb och gjorde sen enchiladas med Julia! Himla gott, men jag blev otroligt mätt haha..
Dagen till ära tog jag faktiskt och fixade till mig också.

I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's day! (^_^)
Since Christopher is coming to see me next weekend i spent the day at language exchange club, and then me and Julia made enchiladas! Super good, but i got soo full haha..
Since it was Valentine's i actually dressed up a bit too.

Anastasia was super cute!
I tried to get rid of the yellow lighting but :/
Albina! :D

Julia and I also made huuge pannacotta! I could hardy finish half of it though

Sunday, 10 February 2013


Idag ställde jag upp som modell för Ryo's storasyster som är och hälsar på i Lund. Hon är fotograf i Tokyo och ville ha nån att fotografera lite runt om här i stan. Jag kommer nog lägga ut några av bilderna sen när hon framkallat dem och så.

Today i was a model for Ryo's big sister who's visiting in Lund. She's a photographer in Tokyo and wanted someone to take pictures of around town. I'll probably post some of them later when she has developed them and so. 

Tänkte ta cykeln till Malin igår, men mitt lås har fryst, så nu får jag gå haha

Was gonna take my bike to Malin's place yesterday, but the lock had frozen, so from now on i have to walk haha
Walking around Lund with Ryo, Kaede and Julia


Friday, 8 February 2013

Drömmer mig bort lite

Lyssnar på fransk musik, längtar till våren och sommaren, tills ångesten över kandidatuppsatsen är över. Önskar Christopher bodde närmare och saknar mitt blonda hår.

//Listening to french music, longing for spring and summer, until the anxiety over my bachelor thesis is over. Wishing Christopher lived closer to me and missing my blond hair.


Wednesday, 6 February 2013

So much to do!

Jag har haft riktigt mycket att göra den senaste veckan, men imorgon kommer jag ha avklarat det mesta som inte har med kandidatuppsatsen att göra iaf. Jag och Albina ska hålla i ett av våra seminarium imorgon, som kommer handla om sambandet mellan partikel och verb i princip.
I lördags hann jag med att gå på lite fest hemma hos Henrik och Victoria. Det var himla trevligt, och så kul att träffa alla igen!

I've been crazy busy this past week, but after tomorrow i will have gotten most of my work done, except for stuff with my bachelor thesis. Me and Albina are giving (or what do you say, teaching?) one of our seminars tomorrow about the realtion  between verbs and particles.
Last saturday i made some time to go to a party at Henrik and Victoria's place. It was so much fun, and great to see everybody again!


Friday, 1 February 2013

Hanging out

Idag var jag på kaiwakai, en grej som Viktor i vår klass håller i som går ut på att vi träffas och hänger med de japanska utbytesstudenterna i princip. Lär känna nytt folk. Det var himla kul att få prata japanska i några timmar och träffa lite nya härliga personer!
Annars är det rätt mycket plugg, men jag har haft tillfälle att hänga med Malin en par gånger sen hon flyttade ner och även med Julia! Så kul att de också bestämde sig för att bosätta sig i Lund.

Today after school i went to kaiwakai, a thing that Viktor in our class is hosting that basically means that you meet and hang out with the people studying japanese and the japanese exchange students. It was a lot of fun to get the chance to speak japanese for a few hours and get to know some new great people!

Other than that there's quite a lot of school work. But i've had the chance to hang out with Malin a couple of times since she moved to Lund and also with Julia! So great that they decided to move here as well!

Gick på en fest i Malins studentkorridor
//Went to a party at Malins dorm
Gjorde mitt rum jättemysigt med mina julklappar från Anneli
//Made my room really cozy with my christmas presents from Anneli
Åt en god trasig cheesecake
//Ate a tasty broken cheesecake
När jag och Malin "pluggade" på ett café
//when Malin and i were "studying" at a café