Saturday, 30 July 2011

Storsjöyran 2011

I år bestämde jag mig för att bara gå en dag på Storsjöyran. Jag har alltid gått alla tre dagar tror jag, men just i år kände jag att det inte riktigt var värt 1200 kr, trots att jag väldigt gärna velat se Marina & the Diamonds.
Jag gick iaf på ståket på onsdagskvällen och på själva yran igår. Så nu tänkte jag bjussa på en par bilder från de två dagarna medan jag väntar på att Ninlil och Kim kommer hit!

Every  summer there's a festival in the town i live nearby. I usually go all three days, but this year i decided to only go there on friday. I did go out on wednesday night too, they always put up lots of different tents in the streets with music, food and drinks. I would really have wanted to see Marina & the Diamonds who's playing tonight though. But anyways, here's some pictures from wednesday and friday while i'm waiting for my friends Ninlil and Kim to arrive!

Lovely Stina

I wore my new lenses on friday night, love them!
Princess Mimi chocolate brown
Anneli and me by the harbour
Saw The Ark, they're doing their final tour this summer ;_;
I started to listen to them ten years ago, crazy!
Awkward pose trying to show off the outfit of the night ^^

Friday, 22 July 2011

Cupcakes med citronpavlova

Titta vad jag bakade för mumsigt ikväll, citronmuffins av cream cheese med maräng, vispad grädde och nyplockade smultron på! Riktigt goda om jag får säga det själv.

Look what i made tonight, lemon cupcakes made with cream cheese with merengue, whipped cream and freshly picked wild strawberries! They turned out really well if i may say so

Onsdagskvällen / Wednesday night

Började med att jag tillbringade alldeles för lång tid framför spegeln med smink utan att åstadkomma nånting egentligen, för att sen ta cykeln till Katarina där hon och Maria väntade med lite balkongmys med rosé.
Efter det en cykeltur in till stan (det är inte riktigt okej att cykla i pumps!) mötte vi upp med annat trevligt folk på Corazon. Jag tror jag låter bilderna tala för sig själv om en lyckad kväll X)

Started out with me spending way to much time in front of the mirror doing my makeup, without acctually accompishing anything. The i took my bike and went to Katarina's place where she and Maria were waiting with some rosé wine and a cosy balcony. We the went in to town (it's really not okay to ride your bike in heels!) and met up with some other friends at Corazon. Here's some pics from the night!

Katarina försöker att komma med i bilden, men misslyckas ^^

Katarina tried to run away from the camera but didn't really succeed ^^
Skåla lite i champagne :3  

Sen kom Maria på den fina idén om en liten bildserie av "kåt men rädd"
Vem lyckas bäst? xD

Maria came up with the lovely idea to have a series of pictures with "horney but afraid"
Who did the best? xD

Inte jag iaf haha
Well, not me that's for sure

Avslutar med den fantastiska "hungrig men mätt" hahah
The very nice "hungry but full" will finish this lovely series of pics hahah

Man vet inte riktigt vad man kan publicera när man har så många fantastiska bilder att välja mellan ;)

You don't really know what pictures you can publich when you have so many fantastic ones to choose from ;)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Last week?

Vad ska jag börja med? ^^ Jag sa upp mig från mitt jobb i måndags, så det här lär kanske vara sista veckan jag jobbar där. Det var inte för att jag inte trivdes där, men det var helt enkelt för lite timmar, och jag kan inte bo och snylta hos farfar i all framtid heller! (Nu kommer jag göra det hos mina föräldrar istället haha XD )
Är det nån som har ett jobb på 75% eller mer, så tveka inte att höra av dig! lol
Nä men jag borde verkligen försöka komma på vad jag vill göra! Hur nu det ska gå till

So.. i quit my job on monday, so i guess this might be my last week working at that place. It's not that i didn't like working there, but the hours just wasn't enough, and i can't keep on living for free at my grandfathers place for ever! (now gonna be living for free at my parents house though haha XD )
If you have a job for me that is 75% or more, please contact me! lol
No but seriously, i really should figure out what i wanna do!

Sen sist jag skrev har jag hunnit hänga med massa kompisar, haft min pojkvän på besök över helgen och sett midnattspremiären av Harry Potter! :D ;_; (Är man glad eller ledsen över det..?)
Som vanligt har jag inte tagit några bilder, sorry! Ska försöka komma ihåg det  

I've hung out with a lot of friends since last time i wrote, my boyfriend came to visit me this weekend and i saw the last Harry Potter movie on the midnight premiere! :D ;_; (happy or sad? i don't know..)
But i've been real bad using my camera as usual, sorry about that!

I'm trying not to do any shopping, because i really want to afford new extensions

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Cancelled my weekend plans

Yep, eftersom jag blev sjuk natten till torsdag, och bara sämre och sämre var jag tvungen att ställa in alla mina planer för helgen som var. Vilket sög, eftersom det just denna helgen hände massor av olika saker och var jättefint väder haha. Jag vet inte om jag lyckades dra på mig matförgiftning eller vad tusan det var, men jag sjukskrev mig i fredags och blev bra till söndan iaf. 

Mamma hämtade upp mig så jag kunde hänga på dem ut till stugan och få mig lite mat iaf, så det var ju skönt.

Yep, since i got sick the night before thursday and only kept getting sicker and sicker, i had to cancel all my plns for this past weekend. Wich sucked, since i had a lot of stuff planned and the weather was great haha. I don't know if i got food poisoning och what the hell it was, but i called in sick from work on friday and managed to get well on sunday

My mom picked me up on saturday so i could come with them to our summer place (lake house, cabin, whatever it is..) and get some food, so that was nice. 

i'd just been in the shadow, that's why i had goosebumps ^^

Could eat again on saturday, so i had me some strawberry pie :3   


Saturday, 9 July 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday

I got really sick wednesday night, don't know what hit me! But i'm starting to feel a bit better now, so hopefully i wount have to stay in bed all day tomorrow too.. It's typical that you get sick whenever you have a lot of fun plans and the weathers great right?

Anyways, this tuesday i met up with Sara, we had planned on going fo a walk, but it was really hot outside so we ended up just chilling in a park by the water.
Took a lot of pics and recorded a nice video haha xD

On wednesday was Katarinas birthday! We started celebrating on her balcony with a big ass cake she had made :3 The weather was so great, so it was really nice being able to sit outside. After that we went to Brunkullan (Corazon) and hung out there. I left at midnight though. I had a great night, even though i got really sick later haha
I wanted to wear my new underlashes, but i'm always running late so i didn't have the time X(
Birthday Girl making a cake!

Poplar rain!
w/ Maria!
Stupid pic haha
but i just wanted to show of my shorts from Gina Tricot that i really like! :D

I didn't bother writing in swedish this entry, it's too hot in here to do both lol

Monday, 4 July 2011

The past week

Förlåt för dålig uppdatering, jag har varit laaat!
Tänkte lägga upp lite bilder från veckan som gick, har ännu en gång sjukt mycket bilder, men inte så många jag kan publicera! Haha
Det har faktiskt varit ganska varmt den senaste veckan, tro det eller ej ^^

Sorry for the low update, i've been real lazy!
I'm gonna post some pics from last week, once again i have a lot of pictures but not so many that i can show you! haha
It's actually been quite warm for about a week or so, believe it or not ^^

Went for some ice cream with Maria and Katarina in the beginning of the week
My ice cream melted on the way to our table haha

Maria's ice cream :3
långafarbrorn glass som man klämmer fram som en calippo, är det riktigt okej det? XD

Friday! Me, Stina and her friend Linnéa went to "Solo" for some drinks

Saturday! Pre-party at Anneli's place, then we took the bus in to town to meet up with some people!

Saturdays outfit. I wore my new dress from H&M

I look so stupid! xD But Maria is really cute, so i'm posting it anyways!
And me and Anneli again! :D I got so many mosquito bites at that place!
Had a great night though!